Official Release News Coming Soon

This was an early morning visitor last month.

The manuscript is finished and in the process of being finalized. I have a cover and a title to show you soon.

I’ve got a prequel story about Linda and Arnie for readers who like that sort of thing.

But first, I’m in a midst of a great summer and I’ve got a bunch of family stuff going on. So nothing is ready to go out the door yet.

Be patient. I’ll have it for you soon.

Berry Berry Good

This is my neighbor’s berry patch. It is so successful it hangs over into our yard. For some reason, he thinks this is an inconvenience to us. He encourages us to pick all we want. I picked a big giant bowl and I’m getting ready to bake a pie.

Book Two of the Crooked Rock books is finished. I have a week to tidy it up and smooth up the rough bits and then it goes to the editor. Still looking at a release date in September.

Squash Blossom

A couple of hot days and the garden is going nuts. I found this squash blossom this morning. Or maybe it should be called a gourd blossom?

I planted all kinds of squash/gourd seeds to see what happened. I have no idea what this is going to turn into.

I love picking the raspberries because they hide. You can pick a bowl and then go out fifteen minutes later and find more berries. I try to get out there once a day. We are picking slightly more berries than we can eat, a good problem to have.

The Interrupter

This is Gracie, one of the cats at Mom and Dad’s house.

This is the plan right now:

Release Book #2 Ester’s story the first week of September.

Some sort of promotion for Book #1 in August — probably a freebie. I will announce when I figure out the dates.

I’m finally writing the prequel story about when Arnie and Linda met in college. That will be a promo with the newsletter the minute I get it done.

I’m starting notes and outlines for Tommy’s story, Book #3 and Linda and Arnie for Book #4. I wouldn’t even venture a guess on release dates at this point. Let’s get this one done before worrying about that.

Crooked Rock Book 2 Is Off to Beta Readers

I’ve been working like a maniac and for weeks, ignoring all my other responsibilities but the draft is done.

I’m going to spend some time catching up on regular life before diving into the promotions and starting on Book 3.

I’m hoping to release around the first week of September.

More updates to come.

My Favorite Dinosaur is the Thesaurus

I keep telling myself I’m going to give up on tomatoes. The past 3-4 years by the time I get enough tomatoes to make it worthwhile, summer is over. But here I am sprouting them on the windowsill. I can’t resist.

I have recently been reminded how much I love my thesaurus. The actual hardcover Roget’s that my Mom gave me when I was in college. (That was in the 80’s.)

I sometimes use online versions but just like browsing for books in a bookstore is different than browsing online, searching for words in a book leaves more room for discovery than using a digital source. Right now my book is open to 952 Resentment, Anger. There are three columns of words plus 953 Jealousy, 954 Envy and three paragraphs for 955 Retaliation are on the same pages.

When I was in high school we were assigned a huge research report. Our teacher scolded us for thinking we could open the thesaurus and exchange one word for a different word in the same section. I did that.

Now I use my thesaurus for brainstorming. I’m not sure I can articulate my process. If my setting is a desert I might look at words that I associate with desert to see what comes up. Or maybe write sentences about the same idea using different words. Sometimes I make lists of words if I’m feeling stuck. In the front of the book I have all kinds of asterisks: “good rock and roll words” “space travel” “look at for food.”

I have no concluding sentence.

Finished. Completed. Ended.

Dinner or Dessert?

My sister was staying with us and she found this article with this recipe in the paper (we still get a newspaper) and she set it aside to see what I would think of it.

She and my husband guessed that I would throw a fit about a apple pie with chard and cheese. Instead, I decided it was interesting and worth a try.

This is the second time I’ve made it. The recipe is a pain but the results so worth it. I eliminate the powdered sugar and serve it as a main dish. I use a sour cream pie crust — I can’t find a good recipe to link to, but mostly butter and again, no sugar.

Pie is my favorite food and I keep vowing to find more interesting recipes to try. I need to look for the next new thing.

I also made bread. I haven’t been baking because of other projects including Crooked Rock Book #2 so I made up for it this weekend with the pie, bread and chocolate chip cookies.

Book is coming together. Still aiming for the end of summer.

Soggy Spring

At some point I’m going to transition this to book news only.

I already keep a personal blog and I thought it would be okay to maintain two but instead it is one more thing I am always rushing to get to and doing poorly.

If you like authors with personal blogs, mine (since 1996) is here. Today’s post is about my Dad helping me get the dutch oven ready for no knead bread.

The book news is: hopefully by the end of the summer.

Yet Another Stalling Update

Future Tulips

Last weekend I had insomnia and realized I was pushing myself too hard to get Book #2 out. It’s not even like I don’t have time. It’s more like I have limited brain juice after work and the other things I have to do during the week. So I pushed pack my deadline with the editor for July. Book will probably be out in August or September.

On my way to California for some family stuff.

Too Much Not Enough

Up to my eyeballs in revisions and going slower than planned. I am in awe of these writers who can work at such a brisk pace. When I know what I’m doing I can draft quickly but sometimes it takes me awhile to figure out what I want to do. There is no short cut to that part.

Or if there is, I haven’t figured it out.

Friday my MLS team started the new season. I’m a season ticket holder so I go to all the games. My favorite pre-game ritual is Hot Lips pizza and an IPA. Season opener is like Christmas, birthday and 4th of July. So happy we’re back.