Your privacy is safe with me.
I do not knowingly collect anything from visitors to this site except for the analytics thing below.
If somehow there is info collected, I don’t know how to find it, save it, share it, exploit it, look at it, make fun of it, or any other activities that a person could do with privacy. Even if I knew how, I don’t want to. If you are concerned that something happened with your privacy and this website, please contact me and I will do what I can to convince you of how unlikely that could be.
Google analytics puts a little graph on my dashboard. Here’s its privacy policy.
Affiliate Links
Giant online retailer kicked me out of the affiliate program because they said they haven’t heard from me in too long. I had no idea I was supposed to keep in touch and further have no idea how that was supposed to look. To the best of my knowledge I have removed all affiliate links.