This is the current state of the garden. Should there be so many sunflowers crowding everything else out? Probably not. They are all volunteers, and I yank lots of them out. But then they get a couple of feet tall, and I feel bad, ending their lives when they will soon be happy sunflowers, so my garden is always chaos.
There is a tomato in there and at least three pumpkins, a bunch of bolting greens, volunteer tomatillos, beets, potatoes. I’m happy with it.
Crooked Rock Book 3 news: I don’t have an exact release date but before the end of August. The best way to find out the exact date is to sign up for the newsletter here. I rarely send it, so you don’t have to worry about it clogging your inbox. There’s a short story about Linda and Arnie in college when you sign up.
Sweetheart Braves is off to the betas. Here’s the cover:

Here’s the blurb:
Tommy Weaver wants to stay sober and that means steering clear of challenging situations, avoiding difficult people, and staying away from personal relationships. Unfortunately, he has a cousin unsuccessfully rehabbing in his spare room while Crooked Rock demands more than he can give, and in the midst of his growing troubles, the irresistible Elizabeth appears.
Elizabeth Lewis couldn’t wait to finish college and get back to the security of her home and family on the reservation. But when her granny, a well-known Indian activist, seeks to right a family wrong, Elizabeth finds herself back in the city and seeking assistance from Crooked Rock. She convinces Tommy to join her and as her mission grows more complicated, he never leaves her side.
Neither of them expected to fall this hard, so what happens when it’s time for Elizabeth to go back home?