I’ve been trying to master Photoshop for at least 10 years. I think I took my first class in 2004 — so longer than 10 years. I’ve always wanted to do one of those challenge where I do PS tricks to a different photo every day for a year. Or maybe every day for a month.
But once I challenge myself I hate to fail and I would make myself crazy trying to fit a Photoshop project on top of everything else I need to get done in a day.
Doing a PS project every week doesn’t sound as appealing.
I only want to learn for fun. There’s nothing at stake if I can’t remember how a radial gradient works.
Since I finished Season of Us I’ve taken a little break from writing.
I’m been reviewing the Photoshop streaming class I finished last year. (Or 2 years ago? I can’t remember.) You know how sometimes when you’re learning something new and then you go out and do it for awhile, when you go back to review the lessons you learn a bunch of new stuff? That’s what’s happening now. I completely forgot about an entire menu in Camera Raw. I think I need to do a streaming class with just Camera Raw.
This photo was from the color goosing tool.
The Season of Us eBook has been at .99 since the beginning of the year. It’s going up to $2.99 very soon, like anytime between now and tomorrow depending on when the server hamsters get their work done. (It’s still a deal at $2.99.)